Racing in Space

The creator of the X-prize believes that his newest child will be up and running with several events featuring 10 of the best pilots in the country by 2008. With the idea of creating a virtual track in the air, which pilots see it in a head up display, that gives them the course they must follow. They are designing unique planes that will burst out 10 foot long jets of fire and race at 300 MPH. Only upgrading the excitement by requiring that the pilots land mid-race to refuel. Its very impressive.
Although the Rocket Racing League is not the first to come up with the idea of racing in the sky. Red Bull Air Racing World Series, the Formula 1 of air races, is very popular and very exciting to watch. It uses a style like European rally racing. Pilots are timed as they run a course just feet off the ground. Air Racing holds world wide events and has around 20 teams competing in each event.
The key differences that excites me about the Rocket Racing League is how they have compared themselves to series like Nascar. Rocket Racing League is using pit stops and as close to side by side racing as you can get. So check out their website and tell me what you think.
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