Thursday, November 16, 2006

Back up and running.

Nothing beats the time after when everything you own decides to self explode like The One Hoss Shay. It is a wonderful time when you get to go out and buy new stuff with one assumption. I don't just want new stuff, I need it. Admittedly, the moment right after everything goes haywire are usually rough. You spend days trying to figure out just what you can afford and getting upset when you realize what a financial burden everything is going to be. Although, when you go out and pick up the new item you realize you spend more time happy you actually can use it and that time outweighs the time agonizing over paying for it.

Next comes the part where you spend all your time with it. Organizing its accessories, and getting everything just right to make it as much like the old one as possible. Buying cases, protectors and other things to keep it as nice as the day you bought it. You look at it sitting next to the old broken down version and tell yourself, "I will treat this one better," knowing full well in a year you will care about as much for this one as the last. But at least you keep protecting while the memory of how much you spent on it is fresh in your mind. That really is all thats important.


At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the story you linked to!


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